“On the whole, I found this far too plot-driven with too much spelling out of what was going on and nothing left for the reader to infer. Very clearly aimed at a YA audience (which I am not) and I didn’t really empathise or engage within of the main characters. There were some interesting insights into the traditions and culture of the community. Most impactful were the author’s notes at the end, explaining why she wanted to write a novel that represented modern day native indian tribal communities, the grey areas between tribal and federal land and investigations and the impact that has on prosecutions, and the shockingly high numbers of violent attacks on women from those communities.”
“Too long, too much plot, everything too signalled for me. Lost interest in the story and therefore the cultural aspects got lost too.”
“Listened to the audiobook and didn’t really like the narrator. Found the book generally long and repetitive. Most interesting bits were the cultural aspects.”
Range: 3 – 4.5
Overall score: 3.5